Fun in the snow

Our little house in the snow- after Mommy shoveled

Snow ball fight!

Snow angels
We had a few days without any additional snow. It started snowing again on Tuesday after lunch and pretty much has not stopped. Mommy shoveled around 3pm on Tuesday and then again Wednesday am. She has to shovel the sidewalk just so Mary Louise can get to the bus stop two doors down. She shoveled about 6 inches in the am. The house picture shows what the house looked like after she shoveled. The snow has continued to fall all day.
This week Mary Louise has had Dibbles testing at school. She has reading and math homework due on Friday. She has started riding the bus this week. We walk down two houses to meet the bus. Another first grader meets us there and rides the bus with her. She tried a dance class last week. She had fun and met Mommy's friend, Ms. Jessica's little girl. They were fast friends immediately. But Mary Louise would like to try Brownies for the remainder of the year. So we are hoping to get involved with the troop that meets at her school.
Forrest goes to a Preschool Storytime class at the library on Mondays with Ms. Joanne. There are about 12 kids in his class. They hear stories, sing songs and play games. This week, Mommy went to a mommy gathering, kind of like MOPS. Forrest played in a big gym with other four and five year olds and watched a BOZ movie and did some activities about the movie and creation. He is having class with Mommy in the basement at our activity table. This week we are learning about the letter "W" and words that begin with that letter. We are going to make waffles and are talking
about wheels and weather. He is learning to read words in the -at and -an family and is reading Story 1 in the Jack and Jilly readers. We are making patterns and counting and estimating while playing with our Trios, monster trucks and Lincoln Logs. He enjoys having his own computer time with PBS Kids, Disney and Nick, Jr. (No Sissy to take over). Forrest is very excited about starting Upwards Basketball this week! He has been practicing his dribbling with an imaginary basketball all week.
This week, Mommy starts a Bible study at the same church building went to for the Mommy Time. It is called Crazy Love(Francis Chan). She is very excited about it because we get to meet more mommies and kids. This study alternates with discussion one week and service in the community the following week. It should be a lot of fun!
We are hoping to get connected as a family this week to a small group from the church we have been attending. Mary Louise and Forrest really enjoy MoKids and meeting in the theatre.
We are finding new friends and new activities to do. There are lots of museums, theatres and other activities. We have some field trip adventures scheduled for the upcoming weeks already. We can't wait to share more of our adventures in Ohio with you soon!
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